This week on the Superlative Podcast, our host and aBlogtoWatch Founder Ariel Adams is joined by Wendy Bendoni, Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Business at Woodbury University. Ariel begins the show talking about his trip to speak to Wendy’s college classroom, and Wendy fills us in on the history of the class (Luxury Brand Management). Ariel asks how Wendy is able to craft her curriculum on the subject and how wide the academic interest in luxury should be when it comes to education. The two dive into how the world of luxury has changed in the context of social media and how influencers play a major role in mainstream ideas about luxury. Ariel inquires about the future of the class and how Wendy sees it evolving, and our guest recounts her personal interest in and history with the world of luxury (coming from the fashion sector). As the show ends, Ariel has Wendy elaborate on her research and fascination with the aBlogtoWatch community and audience, and how she is studying their passion and involvement inside the ABTW and luxury community. Listen below or on the player of your choice. 

Keep up with Professor Bendoni!
LinkedIn: Wendy Bendoni

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