In promotion of the Galaxy Gear smartwatch, Samsung has produced a pretty cool video that chronicles some of the major smartwatches seen in television and movie history. What is so cool about the video is that they have actual props (or really cool graphics thereof) of the pieces they mention. The list of course ends with the Samsung Galaxy Gear, which is touted as the accumulation of decades of unfulfilled demand.
The real story of course is that the Galaxy Gear (I) is the first of many. Samsung has already shared that the Gear is the first of many smartwatches that it will continue to develop and release in the near future. The Galaxy Gear was met with mixed reviews. While I think some of the criticism is sound, it is still a pretty good device given where we are currently at. The major issue of course is how few phones (just the Galaxy Note III phone I believe) with which the Galaxy Gear is compatible.
Unfortunately the Galaxy Gear doesn’t do all the things that many of the famed Hollywood smartwatches did. For me I think all future consumer smartwatch should be able to communicate with your smart car/giant fighting robot, and possibly offer a self-destruct sequence complete with maniacal alien laughter.